NEW FOR 2024

Power User Training

Become a Network Automation Expert. In two days NetBrain will show you how to use our No-Code platform to transform any idea into executable automation in minutes. In this hands-on workshop, show you how to continuously assess your environment for deviations and change, and then apply automation to troubleshooting, change management and outage prevention.


NetBrain Automation Experts recommend attendees have a working knowledge of NetBrain’s mapping concepts and have completed the NetBrain University Live! online classes for hands-on Visual Parser experience.

Introduction to NetBrain

This class covers how to use NetBrain on a day-to-day basis. Start here!
Prerequisites: None.

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Interactive Automation Foundations

Learn how to utilize Visual Parser to quickly transform CLI responses from devices into automation.
Prerequisites: NB101

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Building Advanced Automation

Leverage your Visual Parsers and convert them into Network Intents and other automation modules.
Prerequisites: NB101 and NB201

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Troubleshooting Using Network Intents

Scale your Intents with Network Intent Templates and use them to decode and troubleshoot your network.
Prerequisites: NB101, NB201 and NB202

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Register Power User Training Today!

We offer multiple locations to best suit your needs.

Power User Training Syllabus

This rapid-paced training experience provides the hands-on active learning environment to encourage all students to learn by example, engage in real-time discussions, and share ideas with their peers in a hybrid cloud lab.

Day 1 Day 2

Introduction to Intent-Based Automation and Summary Dashboarding

  • What is Network Intent
  • Understanding the Essence of No-Code Automation: Diagnosis Logic
  • A Clear Path to Achieving Automation Success

Using Intent for Collaborative Troubleshooting

  • Why Intent for Network Incident Troubleshooting?
  • Applying Intent-Based Automation to any network problem, big or small
  • Prototype Your No-Code Automation with the Quick Intent Workflow
  • Quickly capturing desired outcomes with our updated No-Code Visual Parse
  • Building and sharing live network troubleshooting summary dashboards

Using Intent for Network Assessment

  • Why Intent for Continuous Network Assessment?
  • Developing a proactive mindset to prevent outages
  • Scaling automation across the entire network using Automation Data Tables
  • Protecting your network by assessing key designs and security boundaries
  • Maintaining network health, security, service delivery and capacity
  • Leveraging network assessment to prevent recurring problems
  • Building and sharing live network assessment summary dashboards

Building and Using the Automation Library

  • What is an Automation Library?
  • Fostering an automation library mindset
  • Creating a customized Automation Library and putting it to work
  • Enhancing the Automation Library through multi-vendor Network Intent
  • Enhancing the Automation Library with user-submitted automation
  • Making your Automation Library available for map-based execution

Automation Capstone Projects

  • Complete carefully designed collaborative automation challenges
  • Develop mastery of no-code automation concepts
  • Build and execute Health, Compliance, and Security Assessments that can be reused in your own Network
  • Create the foundations of your own Intent-Based Automation Library

Day 1 Day 2
Introduction to Intent-Based Automation and Summary Dashboarding

  • What is Network Intent

  • Understanding the Essence of No-Code Automation: Diagnosis Logic

  • A Clear Path to Achieving Automation Success

Using Intent for Collaborative Troubleshooting

  • Why Intent for Network Incident Troubleshooting?

  • Applying Intent-Based Automation to any network problem, big or small

  • Prototype Your No-Code Automation with the Quick Intent Workflow

  • Quickly capturing desired outcomes with our updated No-Code Visual Parse

  • Building and sharing live network troubleshooting summary dashboards

Using Intent for Network Assessment

  • Why Intent for Continuous Network Assessment?
  • Developing a proactive mindset to prevent outages
  • Scaling automation across the entire network using Automation Data Tables
  • Protecting your network by assessing key designs and security boundaries
  • Maintaining network health, security, service delivery and capacity
  • Leveraging network assessment to prevent recurring problems
  • Building and sharing live network assessment summary dashboards

Building and Using the Automation Library

  • What is an Automation Library?
  • Fostering an automation library mindset
  • Creating a customized Automation Library and putting it to work
  • Enhancing the Automation Library through multi-vendor Network Intent
  • Enhancing the Automation Library with user-submitted automation
  • Making your Automation Library available for map-based execution

Automation Capstone Projects

  • Complete carefully designed collaborative automation challenges
  • Develop mastery of no-code automation concepts
  • Build and execute Health, Compliance, and Security Assessments that can be reused in your own Network
  • Create the foundations of your own Intent-Based Automation Library

Frequently Asked Questions

Is this 2-Day Power User Training completely free?

Yes! Anyone is welcome to sign-up to participate in one of our two-day sessions which are held in various locations around the world, or virtually each month.

Should I bring anything with me to the training?

NetBrain recommends that you bring a laptop with you as well as a removeable storage device so that we can provide any digital handouts and complete all lab activities.

Are there prerequisites for this 2-Day Power User Training?

To get the most out of your 2-Day Power User Training experience, our NetBrain Automation Experts recommend that attendees have working knowledge of NetBrain’s mapping concepts and have taken the following NetBrain University Live! online instructor-led classes to gain hands-on exposure to the Visual Parser prior to attending.

  1. NB101: Introduction to NetBrain
  2. NB201: Interactive Automation Foundations
  3. NB202: Building Advanced Automation
  4. NB203: Troubleshooting Using Network Intents

Don’t have a NetBrain University account? Register here >

I'm an experienced NetBrain user, but haven't done any automation before - Should I attend?

Our NetBrain Automation Experts recommend that attendees have taken the following NetBrain University Live! online instructor-led classes prior to attending.

This will ensure that you don’t feel lost or left behind during the training as we will be moving through some advanced concepts very quickly. Our Automation Experts recommend the following classes to get yourself caught up:

  1. NB201: Interactive Automation Foundations
  2. NB202: Building Advanced Automation
  3. NB203: Troubleshooting Using Network Intents

Don’t have a NetBrain University account? Register here >

Do you have web-based version of this 2-Day Power User Training?

Yes – You can select virtual training or on-location classes above. We recommend the on-location sessions if at all possible to gain maximum value.

Who is the expected audience for this training?

This Power User training session is for all interested users, partners and and existing Power Users who are looking to strengthen their NetBrain Automation skillset and are looking for hands-on access to NetBrain Next-gen and our latest parser, assessment and diagnostic capabilities.

Should my NetBrain environment be upgraded to NetBrain Next-Gen (R11.1x) before attending?

This class is delivered using features and functionality found exclusively in NetBrain Next-Gen (R11.1x). Many of the concepts discussed exist in our prior releases as well, so do not worry if your company’s platform is a version or so behind (but a free update is available to all organizations with active contracts). We do recommend that after you’ve attended training, you have your organization complete an update to our R11.1x release to immediately put into practice some of these exciting new concepts you will have seen. You can find more details about our all-new self-update feature found in all releases starting with NetBrain 10.1 here.

If you have any questions or concerts with upgrading, contact our Technical Support Team – [email protected]

Can I attend these sessions with multiple people from my organization?

Yes, in fact we encourage as many people as possible experience the PowerUser session. Doing so enables them to take advantage of no-code network automation at scale, and implement a tangible assessment strategy for design, security, capacity, lifecycle and a host of other network attributes needed for today’s connected business to thrive. Since the network touches so many other disciplines, engineers and architects will find network automation a highly useful technologies to power their service delivery challenges

I've already tried to develop some Intent-Based Automation - Can you help me diagnose my issues?

Our training team will certainly attempt to provide assistance as time allows on questions or issues pertaining to the current NetBrain Automation stack and concepts (Visual Parser, ADT, Chat Bot, etc.).

We highly recommend that you connect with our Ask an Automation Expert hotline where you can engage one-on-one in a live conversation with some of our Automation Experts.

Does this training include mapping, domain, and administrative topics?

These topics sit outside the scope of the 2-Day Power User training. We highly recommend that you connect with our NetBrain University Live! Training team for the following class:

  1. NB401: NetBrain Administration

Don’t have a NetBrain University account? Register here >