Welcome to the NetBrain Partner program. In your partner portal, you can update your profile, claim leads, get the latest news, access marketing tools like PowerPoints, ad & e-mail templates, price lists, register accounts, and much more. Please don’t hesitate to call if you have any questions or needs.
In our partner portal, you can
Certification Courses for Partners
Sell, implement, and maintain NetBrain with confidence! To maximize your success, NetBrain University (NBU) offers dedicated partner certification courses providing in-depth messaging, sales tactics, and deep product knowledge at no cost.
Assessment Consulting Edition (ACE)
Deliver automated network assessments faster to more customers.
NetBrain Demo Program for Partners
Accelerate Your Customers’ Buying Journey!
Exclusively for NetBrain’s Authorized Partners, this program empowers you to showcase NetBrain’s no-code network automation. It will enable your engineers to confidently host high-level NetBrain demos, creating interest and need for no-code automation in your customer base.
“If you have any questions, I’m here to help!”
Contact Partner Program Manager,
Brian Howard,
at [email protected].