NetBrain Blog

Network Security

Amp Up Your Data Center Automation to Comply with Germany’s Energy Efficiency Act

What Is the German Energy Efficiency Act? In September of 2023, Germany’s Parliament (Bundestag) passed the Energy Efficiency Act (“EnEfG”). This act is of particular interest to network operators in...

Network Operations

What Does Having a “Well-Documented” Network Really Mean Today?

Documenting a network is one of those IT practices that has been done manually since the early days of networking. The term “network documentation” conjures visions of diagrams and stacks...

Network Visibility

What is Network Visualization?

Network visualization, or visibility, is an understanding of the infrastructure and traffic flows in an organization’s hybrid network. The term also encompasses awareness of everything in, and traversing, your hybrid...

Prevent Outages

Prevent These 5 Outages with No-Code Network Automation

What’s yours? 4? 5? We all have one. What’s your uptime target? If you’re in IT, you’ve surely had the “nines” conversation with your leadership team or directly with customers....

Automated Diagnosis

The Top 5 Network Support Tickets to Automate

What frustrates you the most about network support? Nothing feels better than playing detective on an obscure network issue and being the IT hero who resolves it. But too much...

Prevent Outages

Automation in Minutes: Top-10 Assessments to Prevent Outages

Downtime is expensive. More than half (54%) of the respondents to the 2023 Uptime Institute data center survey say their most recent significant, serious, or severe outage cost more than...

Network Operations

Using Automation to Avoid the VTP Bomb

Early in my career I laughed along with engineers making jokes about the dreaded VTP bomb, but I always thought the disaster stories were more of an exaggeration than reality....

Automated Diagnosis

Best Practices for Automating the Troubleshooting Workflow in Multi-Vendor Network Environments

Let’s face it – manually troubleshooting hybrid networks is painful and time-consuming. Every problem is addressed as if the problem has never occurred previously and various network engineers apply different...

Network Assessment

EU’s DORA: Let NetBrain Power Your Compliance Plan

In November of 2022, the European Union adopted the Digital Operations Resilience Act or DORA, a set of all-encompassing digital finance regulations aimed at strengthening the financial industry’s resilience to...