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What Did Network Engineers Care About in 2017?

by Feb 1, 2018

Believe us, we get it: 2017 was another busy year for network engineers. Dealing with emerging trends such as SDN and NFV while working to ensure network stability and uptime is no easy task. Know that we are working right alongside you and trying hard to provide the information that will be most helpful in accomplishing your goals.

In case you missed any of our top attention-getters or just want to see which topics mattered most to our network engineering community, we’ve rounded up our most popular blogs from 2017 into one easy-to-access post.

We’d love to hear from you on the topics you’d most like to see covered in 2018.

Limitations of Traceroute

We take a deeper dive into one of the most commonly used tools in troubleshooting, and breakdown its key challenge areas.

The Evolving Network Engineer

A personal story from senior network engineer Philip Gervasi on how his role has changed over the years and his experience with the growing importance of collaboration.

 Why Is Network Troubleshooting So Hard?

An in-depth discussion of the manual processes that make network troubleshooting so error-prone and the answers network engineers need to solve this problem.

 Not Another Single Pane of Glass

A jargon-free look into the abundance of technologies and functionalities involved in “single pane of glass” and what actually matters to helping network engineers increase visibility and save time.

Applying Automation to Reduce MTTR

A view into the key ways NetBrain helps reduce MTTR by automating documentation, accelerating troubleshooting and improving collaboration.

How Executable Runbooks Work

The ABCs of building, executing, enhancing and sharing NetBrain’s Executable Runbooks, with step-by-step instructions.

Demonstrating PCI Compliance Doesn’t Have to Be a Challenge

An outline and practical guide to the three critical phases of ensuring success during a PCI compliance audit.

Network Operations Center: Mission Control for a Healthy Network

Breaking down the concept of centralized network operations and the value of NOCs.

Software Defined Networking Really Is a Thing, Apparently

Out of theory and into practicality. We dive into SDN, exploring what this much-hyped trend actually means for network engineers and its practical applications now and in the near future.

 Network Documentation Is Hard . . . But Documentation Is Priceless

Getting a through and accurate view of a network is the dream. This post discusses the challenges and solutions to achieving that elusive goal.
